SiCRED in support of culture and youth

SiCRED in support of culture and youth
SiCRED in support of culture, this time supports the organization of the Tirana Theatre Festival of high schools and the Nationwide Theatre Festival of the Albanian high schools 2016. The “Young Stage Artists Association” organized one more year the two festivals, following the tradition of already 12 high schools theater festivals. In an 11-day show, the best high schools of Tirana and the Albanian regions attended the festival, which was held at the premises of the “Black Box” hall of the University of Arts, during the 3 to 17 May. By integrating the youth in this initiative, YSAA aims to sync them with the professionals in the art field and to engage them to the Albanian art and culture. YSAA also aims to identify the youth with inclination to theater, by inspiring them to follow this direction.
The whole event was supported by educational institutions and private businesses, and among them by SiCRED sh.a., always near cultural stimulating activities. By recognizing the values that the “Young Stage Artists Association” has in the process of identification and development of new artists, SiCRED sh.a., is considering the long-term support of this project.Please click below to browse the photo gallery:
(May 26, 2016)

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